Tuesday 19 November 2019

5 Reasons Why People Become Entrepreneurs

5 Reasons Why People Become Entrepreneurs

To many, turning into a business person may appear to be a frightening and high-hazard taking voyage, however to a few, this unusual experience appears the ideal way that their life should take. Entering the obscure war zone of business is presumably the main way that individuals who abhor their employments can change their conditions and be fruitful. Here are a few reasons why longing for progress and leaving a work area can drive individuals to become businesspeople:

1. They Admire Other Entrepreneurs 

Fruitful individuals rouse other individuals to get effective. These hopefuls accept that turning into a business visionary will enable them to coordinate with individuals who have just fabricated extraordinary organizations. They imagine that they can possibly locate the following productive thought and change the lives of millions. Seeing somebody with nothing develop to turn into an effective specialist is sufficient for these hopeful business visionaries to set aside cash to begin their own organizations.

2. They Don't Want to Have A Boss 

A few people battle with regarding authority. They don't care for the truth of having individuals in prevalent positions dealing with their work and investigating their shoulder. Not having the last say insignificant choices turns them off, so they look for circumstances where they can have more power over business tasks. Despite the fact that they don't care for power figures, they accept that turning into their very own manager is the main way that they can do work successfully and cheerfully.

3. Can't Handle a 9-to-5 Job 

The truth of working a normal employment doesn't appear to be compensating yearning for business people. Getting done with unfulfilling errands appears to be truly exhausting to them. Getting espresso and welcome pleasant collaborators each morning gets exhausting sooner or later. The dreary and routine nature of working 9 to 5 doesn't bolster their consuming energy for imagination and development. They have an inclination that they are basically doing what society expects of them as opposed to having any kind of effect on the planet. It's through going into business that they get to openly express their imaginative thoughts and satisfy their fantasies.

4. They Like Risks 

Building an effective business goes for broke, and business visionaries love dangers! They live for fervor and experience. Conceptualizing new thoughts and betting their opportunity of prevailing in their objective market gives them goosebumps. They hope to oversee ventures with high stakes since they have enough certainty to execute them. Regardless of whether these tasks become million-dollar examples of overcoming adversity or complete disappointments that they lament, it's the demonstration of wagering on a thought and watching it build-up that makes hopeful business people grin.

5. They Just Have No Other Choice 

A few people become business people since they consider it to be a required adventure to take. Their related knowledge in the activity market or accomplishments in instruction causes them to understand that working for others is never again a real existence appropriate for them. A fire in their souls reveals to them that they have a solid reason on the planet that outperforms the truth of being a worker. Business visionaries are driven with the need to succeed and control their own predetermination. Owning a business gives them no restrictions on the benefit and openings that they can pick up.

Monday 14 October 2019

5 Tax Benefits Every Entrepreneur in India Must Know About

The tax assessment strategies of the legislature for new businesses experienced an extraordinary change with the Union Budget of 2016-17. These changes, made under the 'StartUp India' Policy, are touted to bring about an enormous number of concessions and exceptions.

Here's a glance at the features of the startup charge in India. We ensure that they will have business people rushing to their startup legal advisors to make sense of the most ideal approach to utilize the strategy changes.

5 Tax Benefits Every Entrepreneur in India Must Know About

1. 100% Tax Exemption for First Three Years

"It is proposed to give a conclusion of 100% of the benefits and increases inferred by a qualified startup from a business including advancement, improvement, organization or commercialization of new items, procedures or administrations driven by innovation or licensed innovation," said Finance Minister Arun Jaitley while reporting the Union Budget 2016-17 in Parliament.

So as to give maturing pioneering adventures a truly necessary lift, the administration has chosen to get rid of burdening them for the initial three years of their activity.

It was proclaimed in the Budget Session of the Parliament that new businesses won't acquire any duties on benefits caused in their initial three years aside from MAT. Tangle means 'Least Alternate Tax' and is determined on 'book benefit'.

2. Abrogation of 'Holy messenger Investment Tax'

As a type of further help, the administration has additionally discarded the 'Heavenly attendant Investment Tax,' presented in 2012.

Under this, blessed messenger speculators, i.e., loved ones and local assets not enlisted as VC reserves, which one raises from funding firms set up for the very reason for sponsorship such adventures, won't be saddled on these ventures. They have the freedom to issue offers to financial specialists at rates higher than reasonable incentive with no tax assessment bothers. This was brought into being by altering Section 56(2)(vii)(b) of the Income-Tax Act.

Be that as it may, there are some prohibitive terms here. Just new companies which satisfy the conditions determined by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) are qualified for this startup charge exception. So as to profit this concession, a startup should accomplish a testament expressing its qualification from the 'between ecclesiastical leading body of accreditation.'

3. Setting up of a 'Store of Funds' for Startups

So as to help new companies in their underlying stage by furnishing them with the fundamental budgetary lift, the legislature has chosen to set up a store with an underlying corpus of Rs. 2,500 crore and a complete corpus of Rs. 10,000 crore over a multi year time frame.

The store will go under 'Reserve of Funds (FoF)' which won't put straightforwardly in new companies however will be coordinated through SEBI enrolled adventure assets, as the activity plan proposes.

A leading body of experts from assorted zones will be set up to deal with this reserve. Disaster protection Corporation of India will be a speculator in this store which will bolster an entire scope of parts like assembling, farming, wellbeing, and so forth.

4. Exceptions in Capital Gains Tax

The administration has additionally as of late made arrangements for an exception of 20% capital increases charge. Capital increases expense is the duty charged on benefits from clearance of capital resources, for example, stocks, bonds, and so on. This was a long-pending interest and is considered to demonstrate profoundly rewarding for new businesses as in the past, abroad funding financial specialists had to course their venture through Mauritius.

Prior to this arrangement, most interests in Indian new companies were steered through Mauritius as capital increases charge on venture from that point was deferred following arrangements in the Double Tax Avoidance Treaty. 

5. Other Tax Adjustments and Fund Allocations to Boost Startups

Some other significant modifications and assignments made around there to support new companies are as per the following:

Setting up of arrangements to help business visionaries having a place with Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes.

Distribution of Rs. 500 crore for SC/ST and ladies business visionaries under Startup India.

Bringing down long haul capital increases for unlisted firms from three to two years.

Correction in the Motor Vehicles Act to empower business enterprise in the street transport part.

Raising of the qualification for the possible assessment plot for private companies. This is finished by permitting organizations with a turnover of up to Rs. 2 crore from the prior Rs. 1 crore to appreciate inclusion under it.

Arrangement for 'Representative Provident Fund' for the initial three years. This is thought to spare 12 % of the expenses for the new companies and give security advantages to the workers.

Giving alleviation to business people living in leased houses from their local spots, in view of the impact of the territory on the achievement of new companies, by raising the 80GG finding from Rs. 24,000 to Rs. 60,000.

These strategies under the "StartupIndia" plan of the legislature as proposed in the Union Budget 2016-2017 appear to be made to give force to every single growing endeavor. It is likewise an auxiliary of the 'MakeInIndia' plot as it intends to make more occupations inside the nation with the goal that the young doesn't need to seek different nations for work.

This startup charge approach and different arrangements make certain to go far in giving new businesses the lift they need.

It is illustrated by the Great Anil Ambani

Friday 4 October 2019

Be Lion an Inspiring Story

Would you like to be a sheep (sheep) or a lion?

Absolutely lion !!

But have you ever thought that you are a lion or a sheep (sheep) ???

To be honest, most people are sheep.

They are living but they are not living on their own principles, roaring in front of life, but living their lives and kneeling like sheep (sheep) in front of their dreams.

So know what it is like to live like a sheep and what to live like a lion.

Sheep and Lion Theory

First, let's talk about Sheep,

Sheep life

Sheep's life goes on the shepherd's gestures, where he carries the shepherd and walks like the other sheep.

Sheep has no dreams of his own, Sheep has no floor of his own, but he walks wherever he takes the shepherd, and where Sheep is going he goes right there too.

For this, we have to understand the theory of Sheep and Lion.

Sheep do not have any question that if he goes there then why not go and if he is asked, he is just bending his head to look at the other sheep and is chased like a blind devotee and if he becomes unhappy with his circumstances So it takes more and more blemishes and starts living the same way again.

Neither eyes a dream (in Dreams is), not the spirit of life and passion is just a walk behind.

Now let's talk about a lion,

Lion's life

The lion has no owner, he is his own master.

The lion lives like a warrior as long as it is won on its own principles, it lives on its own.

No one can run him because he is the king of the jungle, he is the master of his own will, who does what comes in the heart.

If the lion is troubled under any circumstances, he does not fight the lions, but the lion fights with a roar, most of the problems run away after hearing his roar.

The lion chases (hunts) his prey like dreams, fights for it and decides his own destination, so he is the king of the jungle and also of his heart.

There is passion in the eyes of the lion, confidence in the roar and courage to live life on its own principles.

Now let us see how we are connected to this theory.

Are we also lions?

Actual man is living like this theory, like either, he is a lion or a sheep.

Some people are like sheep and some people are like lions.

But the sheep are more than a lion.

Sheep is all those who do not listen to their hearts and are moving forward just by looking at the people or what other people are saying.

Sheep is one who has no destination and no dreams. And even if there is a dream, there is no courage to run after it.

They have given up their dreams, they have died from inside, they have accepted the circumstances, someone said that it is impossible, so they have given up.

Sheep is one who has flown through some failures and has given up trying.

Sheep are those people whose life is not under their control, who are not living according to the perspective of others according to their own, they are being done just like blind people who do not like them but they are doing it all the same.

The life of such people is going on with the shepherd and they do not know why they are going.

And some people are like lions who just listen to their own heart, they walk according to their own mind and they don't care what they are doing or what they are thinking, they are just walking in their fun like storms. They come and break the record.

They dream, find their destination and passionately as a lion chases its prey just like these people chase their dreams and do not stop until they catch it.

No matter how adverse the circumstances are, but they do not bow their heads, do not give up and do not bleed but fight with passion in their eyes and passion in their arms and become kings.

The lion is Narendra Modi, the lion is Sachin Tendulkar, the lion is Abdul Kalam, he is Virat Kohli, he is Dasharatha Manjhi, he is Sandeep Maheshwari , he is Mary Kom, he is every single person who is fighting for his dreams , He is every person who is living with his heart.

Your life

So are you also dreaming?
Are you listening to your heart too?
Are you also standing by falling 50 times?
Are you also ripping off the situation and moving forward?
Are you also carrying fire in your heart?
Are you also lion roaring instead of bleating?
If yes then you are also a lion!

Happy you are a lion and the king of this whole world, Happy you are making your own destiny, Happy you are the real-world conqueror Alexander.

So do not get up and run away from your dreams but run like a lion after it, do not mimic at the rate of failure, but roar to announce your victory, it is easy!

Saturday 7 September 2019

Some ideas to start a new business for less cost

Small Business Ideas with low investment Money is the most important thing for life. Every person comes to that period after a certain time of his life, when he starts earning money or wants to earn money. Nowadays, our education is such that our knowledge is such that we all have some new ideas in our minds. Today's youth is obsessed with doing something new. But it is not necessary that we all be able to start a new business and if we start a new business, then it is not easy to run it in the same way.

If a person wants to start his own business, then he needs good planning and enough money to start a business. This does not mean that you cannot start your own business for less money. Here we are giving a list of some business ideas so that you can start your own business in a small amount.

1- Recruitment firm ( Recruitment Firm ): Recruitment firm help to get a job-related field to which youth is one such company. If you think about this kind of business, then you will need to build your network for it. Nowadays, many companies themselves give such type of firm as a% of the salary of a candidate for getting the right person for themselves.

2- Real Estate Consulting : The more a person earns, the more he invests and the investment in the property is the most profitable deal, and if a person buys his property with the help of a real state firm, then He pays 1% or 2% of the property's price to the real state firm. Which is a very good amount. The best thing is that the amount of investment is very low to start any real state firm.

3- Online Marketing Portals: Here, by online marketing, I mean any kind of item like women's use items, groceries, clothes or any other item you can sell online. The advantage of this is that you do not have to keep any kind of stock. You can take the item and re-sell it upon receiving the order. In this way, you are saved from heavy investment.

4- Online blogging and making your own website ( Blogging and Website ): Nowadays it is the best business that you can earn money by sitting at home and working according to your time. The amount required to start this business is very low which is required to name the website. If you do not want your hosting, you can start your site using Google Blogger. In which a lot of design is available for the blog. Using which you can start writing. As your blog becomes popular, you will start to fall short. To know how to create a website, you have to find a way to create a website.

5- Event Management Firm (Event Management): Nowadays everyone is very busy and no one has enough time to plan every event of their house. Nowadays, any home program, whether small or big, wants someone else to plan it. So an event management firm is a firm that organizes its program for someone else. And in return, she takes some money. This is also a kind of business in which the investment amount is very less.

6- Training Institute: In today's time, it is absolutely not necessary that you be able to start any kind of training institute. For this, you can hire a trainer from outside and start your business for less money.
7- Jewelry Making: If you have a little idea of designing jewelry, then you can set this business very well by investing a little bit.

8- Gym for women: Nowadays, every other woman's weight has increased, so the gym for women is a very good idea. Because for women, even gymnasiums with fewer machines can be started, in which only a few essential machines are required. Therefore, the investment in the gym is also less than the gym required of men.

9- Mobile Food Court (Mobile Food Vendor): Today, no one has much time in tomorrow's time. That's why people want to go to the hotel or restaurant several times more than having food, that they should order their food at their place. So this is the best idea of this business in today's time.

10- Wedding Planner: A wedding planner means taking all the arrangements for a wedding in your hands. In return, you get paid for the arrangement you have made. Because it is difficult to manage everything in today's busy times, due to which people outsource it. So this is a very good business idea.

11- Coaching Institute (Coaching): If the knowledge in any of your subjects is very good, then this is the best idea for you because there is no need for an initial investment in this business.

12- Matrimony Service: If your contacts are good, then this is the best business idea for you.

13- Yoga Instructor: If you want to start a business part-time, then this is the best idea for you. If you do not have a certificate related to it, you can easily get such a certificate by starting a few courses and start your business.

14- Interior Designer (Interior Design:): This is also a course, whose certificate you can get at any time of your age. All you need is interest. After this, you can start your own business.

15- Online Grocery Store: Nowadays everyone wants that if the needs of their house reach their house, then this is the best business idea for you. The point in this is that you do not need to keep the same amount in very large quantities.

Read More: Financial Tips by Anil Ambani

Friday 30 August 2019

7 Qualities to Become a Successful Businessman

Today, people want to do their own work (business) instead of a job, because every person wants to be successful in life, wants to earn both his place and money, business can be expanded by starting at a small level.

Think a roadside dosa seller becomes the owner of the hotel, the Waiter who works in the Coffee Shop becomes the owner of the coffee shop. On the Internet, you will see many people who started with Zero and are on the highs of business, and we say "what was it before and what is it today. Conversely, why do some people fail in business?

The reason for this is that he started any business without thinking because he is doing this and he is successful. If a shop runs well, then such shops are opened and seen, but no other shop can run.

Remember that if you want to do something, you will have to think about your understanding, interest towards work and different from the crowd while not seeing anyone.

Doing a job is not easy, but doing business, becoming an entrepreneur requires hard work, risky, experience and complete knowledge of what you want to do business, and most of all, passion to pass.

7 Qualities to Become a Successful Businessman by Anil Ambani

1. Business Choice

Before starting any business, do not start the business of anyone, see this question by yourself - Why am I doing business ?, Do I have full knowledge of this ?, Can this business? Does Profit also have Flexibility (work can be  carried forward) in this business ?, What problems will come in this business and how to overcome them?

Along with these questions, these Promise will also have to do by itself that I will work with patients in every situation, be honest with my business, will always increase the knowledge of my field.

2. Quality of product/service

Do not compromise on the quality of any product that you are selling or manufacturing or giving service. Keep in mind that customer likes quality more than cheap and that business is successful which gives quality.
You can advertise on social media, you can tell your customers by calling, you can add to the newspaper. Can advertise in any way.

3. Advertisement

There is quality in your product, but until no one knows how the customer will come or how to use your product.
Yes, today is a time of competition and advertisement is an integral part of it. The biggest brands that we know very well, yet they keep doing their advertisement again and again because you should not forget about the advertisements of others.

You can advertise on social media, you can tell your customers by calling, you can add to the newspaper. Can advertise in any way.

4. Better team and your behavior

Employee selection is an important pillar of your business success.
Select such staff who are practical, and at the same time make them feel that this business, shop, the farm is as important for you as it is for them, this business is as much as yours. With which self-confidence will increase and they will work more diligently.

Appreciate their work from time to time and also take Advice in every matter, so that they will be dedicated to you and your business.

Friends, now customers are coming, but if your Behavior has faded i.e. it is not good, they will not come back. Remember that in business, Customer God is the same, if you annoy your God, then there will not be a stand-in Business.

No matter how good your product is, but if your staff, employees or customers are not satisfied, then you may have to close the business soon.

5. Customer First

Satisfied your service customers with your Behavior, take feedback, listen to their problems carefully and overcome them, as well as thank them who told their problems and trusted you. Always try to give more than what your customers want.

6. Planning to move forward

Now your business is going very well, but it is also to increase business. Planing for this, what you have to do next, how to take your product, service forward, this Future Planning is very important, keep working on planning. You know your business well and know how to proceed, how to make a business chain.

7. For Society

No matter how big a businessman you are, no matter how much money you have, if you do nothing for the society, then it is pointless, so participate in social activities, consider your product and service as the interest of the society. Use it. Such as education, hospital etc. of poor children, by which you and your product are named in the Society, and you also get inner happiness and peace.

7 Qualities to Become a Successful Businessman

5 Reasons Why People Become Entrepreneurs

To many, turning into a business person may appear to be a frightening and high-hazard taking voyage, however to a few, this unusual ...